Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Wordless Wedensday--Holly in Auntie Becky's coat sleeve


Unknown said...

Grrrr, Wordless Wednesday's DO NOT apply to you. 2 weeks with out a post and we get the dog?

Debz said...

LMAO@ MRM!!! She's not wrong young lady. We want a REAL post!

Nonetheless, cute little whippersnapper.

Unknown said...

LOL...okay that is adorable...look at that sweet face...that is a weenee right? my weenee sneaks under the back of my shirt when I am sleep and pokes her head out of the back of the neck of my shirt...

Miz Q said...

Did Holly burrow into the arm of that coat all by herself?? lol the quirks of our animals can be so entertaining ;o) -- especially when it doesn't involve cleaning UP after them!

Unknown said...

really cute, but I agree with MegRyansmom. ;)